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Getting Started


Knocknoc licensing is based on the number of users, click hereusers for more information.. You will need to have a license to useinstall Knocknoc,the server, and a trial or monthly license can be purchasedobtained from the Knocknoc Licensing Portal. The licenses covers the amount of users you have setup in the system, thereThere is no limit on the amount of groups, backends, agents or ACLs.ACLs configured. SAML support is also included out of the box!

Server Setup

CloudYou can run your Knocknoc server either as a managed cloud instance or self-hosted,hosted. youOnce need a Knocknoc server, and once you have itit's up and runningrunning, you will be able to login to the admin panel and start configuration. ForAccess to cloud usersinstances youis shouldguided receivethrough yourthe URLlicensing portal and login details via the licensing portal. Forfor self-hosted servers here is the self-hosted install guide. The self hosted server assumes some systemsystems administration knowledge, and generally the ability to have an inbound public IP for your users to access Knocknoc.

Agent Installation

The agents perform the backend work of updating ACLs, so you need at least one, even if it's on the same machine as Knocknoc server. HereYou is theshould agent install guide. You can install the agent onin anya machinelocation that can reach both the Knocknocserver server,(outbound https to the server) and the target ofbackend. the backend, it only needs an HTTPS connection to the Knocknoc server.

Backends and ACLs

Backends and ACLs work hand in hand-in-hand to provide a pathway for your fine-tuned group access. Here are the guides for currently supported backends. AndWhen herea user authenticates to Knocknoc, grants are theapplied guidesthrough for basic ACL configuration. Backends have types, like Haproxy, ipset or scripts. A backend modifies the ACLACLs to performpermit thetheir allow listing function of Knocknoc.access.

Groups and Authentication

GroupsWhile needusers tocan be created either locally or through single sign on like SAML (recommended) or LDAP, groups are created locally in the admin portal,portal. howeverA group maps users canto beACLs, assignedproviding eitherfine-grained locallycontrol or viaover the SAMLresources orthey LDAPhave authenticationaccess


Read recommendmore SAML where possible, as it is the most secure option for many people. Here arein the authentication guides and theĀ the group setup guide. A group maps Users to ACLs, so you can have fined grained control over what resources your users have access to, even down to an HTTP protocol level.

Test it out!

ThatThe first time you loginlog in and see how Knocknoc works feels like magic. We can't wait for you to enjoy using Knocknoc every day.

Roll it out to your users

Once everything is ready, youyou'll need to then need to demonstrate or documentcommunicate the steps for your users,users. andTo awayassist youwith go.


Wewe are preparing some helpful onboarding resources fordesigned yourto users,streamline and while thethis process isas differentmuch andas change is hard, the ease of use of Knocknoc is a great for users.possible.

Monitor and Manage

Knocknoc can stream metrics using GELF, and can supply regular exports of user activity. It also has an audit trail function, so you can see exactly what resources which users had access to when. Security teams looking to track fine grained access to network resources,resources can even export to CSV as required.