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SAML with CyberArk

Keycloak supports multiple authentication realms, so you must first select the appropriate realm for your organisation. Do not make any of the below changes in the Keycloak/master realm.

In this example our realm is called "Acme" and Keycloak is hosted at

Our Knocknoc instance is a cloud instance with URL If you are using a cloud server, replace with your own URL, or if you are using an on-premise server, this is the base URL to your Knocknoc server.

Knocknoc SAML config

SamlMetadataFile the idp-metadata.xml downloaded in the Mellon package from Keycloak

SamlKeyFile and SamlCertFile are currently required fields in Knocknoc but unused once you turn off Keycloak > Client > Keys >  "Client signature required"

So if we do a "choose SAML" provider option for Keycloak maybe these could be omitted or not mandatory

Keycloak config

  • Change to your realm (e.g. Acme, not master)
  • Create client
  • Settings tab
  • Keys tab
    • Client signature required: off
    • Encrypt assertions: off
  • Roles tab: -
  • Client scopes tab:
    • realName
      • Mapper type: user attribute
      • name: realName
      • User attribute: select the user attribute containing their name
      • Friendly name: realName
      • SAML attribute name: realName
    • nameid
      • Mapper type: User attribute mapper for NameID
      • name: nameid
      • Name ID format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent
      • User attribute: email
    • sessionDuration
      • Mapper type: user attribute
      • Name: sessionDuration
      • User attribute: select the user attribute containing the Knocknoc session duration in seconds
  • Advanced tab
    • Browser flow: browser
    • Authentication flow overrides